5 Tips to Improve Customer Service for Seniors

The principles of great customer service are universal, but there are a few things to keep in mind when assisting elderly customers.


An essential part of empathetic customer service is understanding your customer. Surveys show that most customers over the age of 55 prefer calling or talking face-to-face with a real live person when interacting with a business. Let's dive into some tips on how to make those interactions even better!


1. Sit Up Straight and Smile

Body language is important even when answering the phone. When the phone rings, sit up straight and smile as you greet the customer. Did you know you can hear a smile over the phone? You really can! Even though the customer can't see it, your cheerful tone will shine through. Give them your full attention and exude warmth. It might brighten their day!


2. Mindful Listening for Seniors and Those with Different Abilities

Next, gauge the dynamics of the call and really listen to your customer. How do they sound? Do they sound relaxed or anxious? Confident or confused? Upbeat or a little frustrated? Getting a feel for the temperature can help you meet the customer where they are. Being attuned to your customers will build trust and make them feel cared for. 

As you listen to your customer, be mindful of the challenges they may be facing. You don’t have to be older to experience hearing or memory issues, and there are best practices to help customers who may be dealing with these issues. Some might feel uncomfortable asking you to repeat yourself multiple times, so speak clearly and concisely. Be sure to always check in to make sure they fully heard and understood you. You can throw in a friendly "Can you hear me okay?" to let the customer know you care about their needs and to confirm that you’re communicating effectively.


3. Personalized Politeness, Friendliness, and Support

When you speak to the customer, be polite, friendly, and supportive. After greeting your customer and introducing yourself, ask your customer for their name. Using their name can help build rapport and show respect but, be careful not to be too familiar. Some folks may find it disrespectful to assume use of their first name without first getting permission. You might consider politely asking, “Do you prefer Ms. Smith or Susan?” to ensure that you get it right the first time. 

If you see that the customer is a frequent buyer or someone you’ve spoken with before, this can be a great time to express recognition and appreciation for the customer. For example, “Welcome back, _____! Thank you so much for the call; how can I help you today? 

Using your customer’s name is a great way to personalize your call, set your customer at ease, and build trust, but you should be prudent about when and how often you use it. Saying your customer’s name at the wrong time or overusing it could be perceived as rude, patronizing, and insincere.

A good guideline is to use the customer’s name no more than three times during a single conversation. A great time to use their name is during your greeting and while thanking the customer when closing the call. An example of an inopportune time might be when diagnosing a problem. For example, “Martha, did you try X, Y, or Z” could come across as critical or condescending depending on your tone. 

While addressing your customer by name can enhance personal connection, it's crucial to exercise discretion and tact, maintaining sincerity and respect throughout each interaction.


4. Balance Efficiency and Empathy in Your Interactions

Keeping calls efficient is key in this fast-paced world, but it’s most important to take your time to fully understand your customer’s reason for calling. Seniors sometimes feel rushed by younger generations and frustrated by the perceived lack of patience. Show respect and kindness by being present, listening actively, and resisting the urge to rush the call along.


5. Tailoring Communication for Accessibility and Understanding

Be considerate when sharing important information, like a confirmation number. Avoid rattling off a number in rapid-fire succession. Ask if the customer has a pen & notepad handy. You can say something like, “Take your time! I’m ready when you are.” 

Speak slowly and avoid potentially confusing acronyms or company jargon. Be repetitive when necessary, and be sure to ask for confirmation to ensure accuracy. 

Allow space for questions and notetaking. You can also offer to send an email after the call with all the important information, but keep in mind that this might not be the best option for everyone. Some seniors may prefer taking handwritten notes, some may have limited access to email, and some may not use email at all. The most important thing is to ensure your customer has the information they need and know you’re available to help if they have further questions.

Be sure to check in with your customers and see what works best for them. Let them know you are a resource and the hours they can follow up with you if they have questions or need further assistance. Even better, for efficiency, think through the reasons they might need to call back and address them in this call.


How HigherRing Does It

Through our tailored approach, trained staff, and dedication to understanding the unique needs of each individual, we strive to create a welcoming and accommodating environment for all our customers. Our ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility, communication, and support reflect our core values of empathy and integrity. 

Providing exceptional service to our senior customers becomes effortless when we add a little extra understanding and patience into the equation. By implementing inclusive practices and taking time to consider a customer’s needs beyond the surface, we ensure their comfort and satisfaction and foster a sense of belonging and respect within our community. 

These helpful tips have the potential to transform an average phone call into an impactful experience that leaves a positive impression and builds brand loyalty. By implementing these principles, we are meeting the specific needs of our senior customers and stepping up our game in delivering excellent customer service.

Author Bio


Hi! I'm Kristen, and I'm a Lead Client Specialist on HigherRing's eCommerce/CPG team! I have worked in customer service in some form or another for many years. This journey has equipped me with skills in admin/daily ops, sales, marketing, and social media management/creation, which means I'm all about making connections and helping brands grow. Outside of work, I love getting creative with DIY projects, hitting the road for a spontaneous adventure, gardening, and hiking with my pup.


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